Guest Blog – Frosted Cupcakery

“If you’re anything like me, you keep a close watch on the amount of sugar that your little ones consume! We run a pretty tight ship around here…vegetables every day, whole grains, no sweets. So, when we do have dessert, we go all out! Click here to read more

Part 2: Who Wants to be a Mom-prenuer?

Here is the second part of our new series “Who Wants to be a Mom-Preneur” featuring the expert advice of Lauren & Allison, the duo behind Townsend Olmstead Media Co., a full-service public relations firm. Having assisted in the launch of numerous products, they are excited to share some of the tips & tricks they have learned with a new crop of potential entrepreneurs. Mothers are incredibly resourceful and creative out of necessity and that often leads to innovation. With a little homework and a little hard work, your “quick fix” could become the next great idea. Here’s to the next BIG thing courtesy of a Mom!

Who Wants to be a Mom-prenuer?

Ways to Work the Social Networks

Click here to read more