Hand Washing Song for Kids

I am a germphobe. I wrote about it here. So I am big on hand washing. I wrote a post last year on “Proper Hand Washing Techniques” and the number of Google searches using the keywords “hand washing” & ” proper hand washing techniques” landing on that post have really ramped up recently which is not surprising since we are now entering cold and flu season. So seeing that I am not the only one interested in washing hands (WELL) I had to share this AWESOME hand washing song my daughter learned at preschool (and it is not to “happy birthday” or the “ABC’s!)

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Traffic Light Eating: Teaching Kids Healthy Habits!

The year my daughter was two we participated in a Mommy & Me class at her preschool. To ease the kids into the preschool “drop off” pattern, the mommies would go into another room for about 45 minutes for a talk or presentation so the kids could get used to playing without mommy. One of these talks was presented by Sherri Fenn and the topic was all about teaching healthy eating habits to kids. In that presentation she spoke of the “Traffic Light Eating” technique to teach your kids how to make healthy choices. From that day on, I have used this with my daughter and it has been SO super effective I had to do a post on it!

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Water Works Travel Drawing Board

This toy has gotten a LOT of use over the last 2 years so I wanted to share.  It is called the Water Works Travel Drawing Board and is great for many reasons.  First, because the drawing is done with WATER, meaning that you fill up the little pens with water and you can do an art project on the floor, on the couch, in the car, basically ANYWHERE without worrying about staining clothes or the carpet!

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