We Heart Minted.

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Happy holidays from our families to yours!

Now that Thanksgiving has officially passed, I feel as if I have full permission to get into the holiday spirit, and no better way than to start off by sharing our cute holiday photo card designs from Minted with you. Please keep Minted in mind when shopping for your own cute holiday photo card designs this year – we heart Minted big time.

Happy Holiday from Jen’s Family!

Minted Simply Joyous Holiday Card

This year we had our family photos taken in downtown Santa Ana by the lovely Kristin Eldridge, and I was in LOVE with this colorful MINT (ironic, right!?) door we found in an alleyway. I have a thing for pretty doors.

Because the color was so vibrant, I wanted to choose a simple design, and this Simply Joyous Minted design was the winner. Although it was tough because Minted has so many cute holiday photo card designs to chose from.

I highly recommend using the Find It Fast Feature – which allows you to upload your photo(s) and Minted will automatically populate the designs with your photo so you can scroll through and see the designs with YOUR photo in it.  Makes it easy to quickly find the designs that catch your eye.

I was able to move the text from the original design from the bottom to flush left to keep all text to the left and us on the right. Minted makes it very easy to make changes to text, font, spacing or sizing and then provides a very clear proof for approval prior to printing so you can make sure everything is just right.

girls card

On the back, I opted for the 1 Photo Story option which allowed me to add a close up photo of the girls and tell a little bit about life in the Scheumann family.  Some text I edited out just for blog display, so don’t think I lost my mind and printed weird sentences!

I am a big fan of adding in some details on the back of your photo card. I love receiving holiday photo cards that share about the family’s year.

Again, I was able to change the font and increase size to my liking!


One of my absolute FAVORITE Minted features this year was their free designed envelopes and free recipient addressing they are offering! It was so easy.

I downloaded their address template, entered in my addresses, uploaded to my Minted account and now all my addresses are saved in the address assistant.

Yes, it was time consuming to do this for the first time, but now I can utilize this every year because the information is saved in your Minted account. I love the designed envelopes. LOVE THEM!

Happy holidays – may your season season be extra jolly!

xo Jen + Family

Happy Holidays from Susanne’s Family!

We are so thrilled to be using Minted for our Holiday Cards again this year!  I’ve gotten an early start and hope to have them out around Thanksgiving.

We took our Family Photos with the amazing Kristin Eldridge and she helped us come up with some fun ways to play around with the “Is it a boy or a girl?!” theme.  My prego belly in full effect!

it's a Wonderful Life Holiday Photo Card from Minted

I loved pouring over the amazing selection of designs Minted has to offer.  Incredibly, I was quite decisive this year with the “It’s a Wonderful Life” and chose to use the Happy Holidays version instead of Merry Christmas since we are sending them out so early.

I decided to save a few dollars by removing the rounded edge, but then upped the ante by including the photo a little blurb about our girls on the back side.


The icing on the cake this year is that Minted is offering FREE recipient addressing!  It comes in a wide selection of different styles with tons of charm!  I chose the style recommended as a match for my card selection because I knew I’d never be able to choose.


It gave me the motivation to get organized and clean up my list (much more efficient than my usual system of scribbling down any new addresses on last year’s spreadsheet in my chicken scratch).  It feels REALLY good to know my list is up-t0-date and now saved under my Minted profile so when I have cards to send out for this baby’s announcement I am organized and ready to roll.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Susanne + Family

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