Erin Condren Jumbo Calendars

Although I love my iPhone calendar I am still a fan of a super cute wall calendar to hang in my office.  I love to look up and see, right there, all of the events coming up for my family that month.

I have always loved wall calendars.  My mom would get me one for Christmas every single year because I am such a planner and love having my calendar.   So when I found the super cute Erin Condren Jumbo Calendar, it has been my choice three years running. I actually just placed my order for my 2011 cute wall calendar just last week!

Things I love…

This year I got to add this family photo to the bottom so I get to see our little family all the year through!

I love that it is big and has each page personalized with our family name.

It comes with 210 stickers with cute things  like “birthday!” or “hair appt.!” or “baby shower!”

You can opt to have it with plexiglass backing ($40) or without ($32). The plexiglass is great for propping on a cookbook holder and setting on your kitchen counter for easy family reference.  Or you can go without and hang it on the wall.

I also love the family reference page where you can write all sorts of important family info for babysitters or housesitters.

Erin has all sorts of darling personalized calendars to get you organized in the new year…from weekly schedule pads to life planners…you will smile all year round while doing your planning with her cute designs!

Now, go order yours and get ready for 2011 in style!

{Disclosure: I am an Erin Condren fanatic and affiliate, so if you do place an order, if you can click through here first, it helps support Tiny Oranges!}