Fun Ideas for New Turkey Day Traditions

Turkey Day Traditions

I asked our Tiny Oranges team to share some ideas of favorite Turkey Day traditions for anyone looking for some fun Thanksgiving Day traditions to introduce at your celebration this year.

1. Give Thanks.

Before digging in, have everyone go around the table and say three things they are thankful for.

2. Hang a Thankful Garland. 

If you have been keeping a jar of thanks this November, take your notes and hang them in a garland behind your buffet table. Or, make your own thankful garland and have guests add theirs to the display as they arrive.  Write the date on the back so you can save as a keepsake.

3. Appeal to Your Little Turkeys.

For those little picky eaters, use turkey cookie cutters to make sandwich cut-outs, so you are guaranteed to have something of substance in their bellies before pie and ice cream!

4. Make a Thankful Pumpkin.

Spray paint a pumpkin whatever color suits your fancy and write what you are thankful for in a black Sharpie to make your own Thankful Pumpkins.

5. Do a Table Topic Question on Your Place Cards.

On my place cards, I love writing a silly question for each person to answer. It is a fun way to throw in some new topics into the conversation, and you will likely end up learning things about some people you never knew! Click here for ideas on the questions you can ask.

6. Roll the Dice.

This year we are doing something new and playing the LCR (left, right, center) dice game after dinner! If you want to be a high roller, have your guests bring ten $1 bills per person, and play round for money!  Or, if you have a large group, you can do two games with $5 each.  You can play with quarters, game chips, whatever you wish, just sometimes fun to have an activity, and that game is super fun and easy. I think you can get the dice at a lot of places like Walmart and Target.

I would love to add to this list, please share if you have any fun Thanksgiving Day traditions or activities you do in your house!