All About Hot Heads Extensions by Tera Rae Stephens

Since the fabulous OC hair stylist Tera Rae Stephens started her new blog, I have been reading all about the Hot Head Extensions she has been wearing + doing for her clients.

Being that I know nothing about extensions I asked her if she could write me a guest blog on them since she is a total Hot Heads Extensions fanatic. I have to admit, they look SO natural. I had no idea Tera was wearing extensions, I just thought her hair was that long and amazing!

Make sure to read the end offer, a juicy deal for Tiny Oranges readers that want to give these extensions a try and have flowing fabulous hair for the summer! Here is what she wrote and some before and after photos.

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Guest Post: One Mom’s Journey Through the Autism Spectrum

I think there is a lot of power in sharing things we have learned as parents, so when one of my readers, Nicole, emailed me about possibly doing a post on her experience with her son who was diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum, I said absolutely.

So she wrote an amazing guest post on the things she has learned and advice she has for any other parents that might be navigating their way through the same diagnosis. Thanks Nicole for taking the time to share with other mamas. Here is what she wrote…

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