So my hubby and I turn 10 years old today.

I actually had to scan this photo because when we got married digital photography wasn’t really the mainstream yet. Doesn’t that seem weird?

In a way that day feels like yesterday and it a way it feels like a lifetime ago. But, one thing I know for sure – that is the last time we walked hand in hand on the beach in formal wear like that and the last time I donned a tiara!

Reflecting on these past ten years and what I have learned about marriage, I truly believe the person you chose to marry is probably the most important decision you make in your lifetime.

The last decade was marked with significant life changes.

Marriage, buying our first home, new jobs, starting a new business, another move, having our first baby, starting another business, having our second baby. Highs, lows, laughter and tears.

It seriously has been ten years full of CHANGE. And not just small changes, major life adjustments!

But through it all, the one thing that remains constant is that man by my side and the love and commitment we share.

Today feels like a new beginning in a way. The start of the next decade. I doubt it will bring as much change as the first (God I hope not!) but I know we have many more adventures ahead.

So this post is dedicated to the cutie-patootie boy I married on the deck of Pacific Edge on November 10th, 2001. Best decision of my life.

[Photo credit: Tom Baker Photography]


  1. Congrats on 10 years!! Your comment about not having digital pics back then made me smile because our wedding was the same way. We were married 11 years ago and have all of the negatives from our photographer and a VHS video! It makes me feel old. LOL.

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