Go Ahead. Make Someone’s Day.

acts of kindness

I get a gazillion emails, not to sound ‘oh so important!‘ because I am not, it’s simply due to the fact that bloggers can get added to numerous PR and pitch lists so over time the volume of emails can get a tad overwhelming.

Many of them I have to skim and move on, because there often are not enough hours in the day, but this one email caught my eye. Well, actually it was the follow-up email that caught my eye (thanks for your patience.)

It was a blog post written by a man with a website dedicated to sharing positive stories and tips with others. He had written a post on 76 Acts of Kindness which I thought sounded inspiriting, so I clicked over to read, and was VERY inspired by his ideas.

Many of which were really unique.

I plan to share this list with my kids and want to do some of his ideas as a family.  What a great way to teach kids about the power of an act of kindness.

Here are some of my favorites…

# 2 – Create a holiday to celebrate someone you love. Forget their birthday or Mother’s / Father’s Day – how fun to have a unique, random day dedicated to celebrating someone special?!

# 19 – Say “thank you” to someone who makes a difference. I want my girls to write thank you notes / pictures for the crossing guards at their school who make crossing the streets safe.

#23 – Text someone to tell them something you appreciate about them. So easy.

#63 – Leave a big tip. Love this one. I used to waitress in college and still remember to this day a handful of customers that left me a big tip.

Bookmark this post for anytime in the future your kids might say “I’m bored” or when you are feeling down yourself.

There is nothing that can lift one’s spirits faster than doing something nice for someone else.  It’s a boomerang gift in that sense. When you make someone else’s day, it also makes your own.

Now, go ahead. Make someone’s day.

Click here to read Brad Aronson’s 76 Acts of Kindness.


  1. love this! I know this post was a while ago, but i saved it to read for when I had some time to spend on it! your posts have so much value and are much appreciated. thank you so much!

    1. You have no idea how much your comment means to me. I needed it today! Thank you for YOUR act of kindness in your comment!

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