Baby Boot Camp Stroller Fitness Classes

I know we are all up to our ears in sugar cookies this time of year.  I am powerless over those things! Geesh! So NOW is the time to start thinking about your fitness goals for 2011!

Whether you are battling some excess baby weight or sugar cookie weight – the number one challenge for most moms is HOW on earth to find the time to workout with little ones!

Tenille Bettenhausen is a local OC mommy who is here to help other moms get in shape in 2011 with her new Baby Boot Camp Stroller Fitness classes starting soon in the Irvine and Tustin Ranch areas.

Starting January 10th, 2011 Baby Boot Camp classes will be launching in 2 new locations serving Irvine and Tustin Ranch.

Classes will be held on weekday AND weekend mornings to accommodate different schedules. Also family (spouses, partners, grandmothers, you name it) can come for free on the weekends!

So, shed pounds, combat baby blues and make new friends while dropping that holiday weight.

You can find information on Baby Boot Camp Irvine and Foothill Ranch information one of 3 easy ways:

1. Sign up for upcoming class info by going to the Baby Boot Camp Foothill Ranch, Irvine and Tustin Ranch website and enter your email HERE <–click

2. Go to for more information on the program in general

3. {Like} Baby Boot Camp Foothill Ranch, Irvine and Tustin Ranch  on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest and greatest and see the class schedule.

Tiny Oranges Special!

Everyone who goes to the local page and enters their email address to receive information about Baby Boot Camp Irvine and Tustin Ranch will get 10% off the monthly membership just for signing up to receive information.

It’s that easy!  So start off the new year right with a great fitness goal and say “bye bye” to those excess pounds!

{Disclosure: Baby Boot Camp Irvine & Tustin Ranch is a Tiny Oranges Sponsor}