Where were you the day the world changed?

On the 10th anniversary of 09/11/2001, I wanted to take a moment to stop and remember.

Just typing the word anniversary right now made me feel sick to my stomach, because to me, the word anniversary should mean happy things; celebrations of marriages, relationships, new beginnings.

And sadly 09/11/2001 was a new beginning, but in a terribly sad way as life as we knew it would never be the same. Where were you the day the world changed?

I remember it so vividly, every part of that day, that week, the months after.

On September 10th, 2001 I kissed my fiance good-bye and he left on a flight for a consulting job in Ohio for the week. I went to my parent’s house that evening to assemble my wedding invitations as our wedding date of November 10th was slowly approaching.

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