On Happiness in Motherhood

This post is a personal one on happiness in motherhood and how to be a happier mom and it starts with this…


The other day I was cleaning out the dresser next to my bed and found a folded letter written on lined paper. My husband and I must have been in an argument and I took pen to paper to get all my feelings out.  I wrote it on 10-28-2008 and must not have ever given it to him (if you are reading this Stefan, you’re welcome.)

At the time I wrote this letter, I had a 2-year-old toddler and a high maintenance one at that (bless her).

Looking at the date, I must have been very hormonal because I didn’t know it yet, but I would find out I was pregnant with her baby sister 3 days later on Halloween. If I thought life was hard on THAT day, mama didn’t know what was in store with two children!

It brought back so many memories of that time in my life when I was exhausted, unbalanced and stretched to my limits between staying home with my toddler and trying to run this blog on my own. Those years for me were completely joyous and magical, but also SO FREAKING HARD.  I was not very happy. Not like I am today.

Here is an excerpt of what I wrote to my husband: