SAS Blow Dry & Makeup Bar [Giveaway]

I had my 20-year high school reunion last month. So weird, because it really seems like 1992 was not that long ago. Seeing that many people hadn’t seen me in about, oh, 20 years, I wanted to try to do what I could to improve upon the last image they might of had of me, and that was one of a very big spiral perm so I made an appointment at a new blow dry bar in OC called SAS to see what they could do to SAS me up before the big event!

SAS, which stands for “Shampoo & Style” is a full service blow dry and makeup bar, so I was thrilled to not only be getting my hair done, but my makeup too!

Click here to read more & enter to win a SAS blowout!

3 Less Obvious Reasons for Hair Extensions [Giveaway]

Most of us can probably think of the obvious reasons why an OC mom would want to consider getting hair extensions. Just the word “hair extensions” conjures up images of celebrities with long, flowing, va va voom type of locks. You know, the type of tresses most of us would love to have, but most of us aren’t blessed with naturally? But when talking to local hair stylist, Tera Rae Stephens, an Orange County hair extensions specialist at Tek Salon in Costa Mesa, she mentioned that many women now days are opting to get hair extensions for other not so obvious reasons.

Ever been curious to try them?  Tera is GIVING away some below ~ make sure to enter!

Here is what Tera shared about why some of her clients are choosing her Hot Heads hair extensions

Click here to read more…