Setting 2015 Intentions


I love January 1st.

To me, it’s a fresh start – a time to press reset on the areas of my life that need it and it’s a time to set new goals.

I hate the term New Year’s Resolutions, because it conjures up feelings of pounds not lost and vague inspirations that can be soon forgotten come mid-January. Or is that just me?

So this year I am making New Years Intentions, which sounds so much more positive, doesn’t it?

Intention [noun]:

1. an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.

Love it.

In terms of setting New Years Intentions, here is how I look at that definition in respect to the new year:

1. Determine in your mind what you want and intend to do.
2. Put thoughts into action.
3. Enjoy the result.

I am organizing my New Years Intentions in a block of five different intentions. Here is how I am organizing the different areas: