Dr. Brandie Metz: The Best OC Pediatric Dermatologist

Recently I had a not-so-great experience at a OC pediatric dermatologist we saw for a skin condition for Emma so I considered it a stroke of brilliant luck when I happened upon Dr. Brandie Metz’s Pediatric Dermatology of Orange County Facebook page when I saw that a friend of mine “liked it.”

After reading her responses to people who posted on her wall, I could tell I already liked her before even “liking” her page!

I emailed my friend if she was happy with her and she wrote back “LOVE her!” which was all I needed to make an appointment.  After visiting Dr. Metz, I now feel so blessed to have found (in my opinion) the best OC pediatric dermatologist and was compelled to pass on her info to you.

Treating newborns to teens, she handles anything having to do with the skin, hair or nails. Newly opened in a brand new facility in Irvine, her office is beautiful.

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