What The Go-To Mom Has Taught Me About Kids and Sharing

I am a huge fan of parenting books because as a mom I really can use all the help I can get! With each one I have read, I have taken away different gems of helpful advice or different ways of looking at things that have been helpful at challenging times. One of these gems was something I learned while reading The Go-To Mom’s Parents’ Guide to Emotion Coaching Young Children. And it had to do with kids and sharing. What I learned from Kimberley has been so incredibly effective with my toddler (and even my five-year-old) that I felt compelled to share it with you!

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Reviving an old post on the terrible twos

I wrote this post on September 4th, 2008, when my daughter was 2 years 3 months old and for some reason I never published it and it has been saved all this time.

Yesterday we were at the park with a friend whose daughter is 2 years 4 months and she asked me “did you guys go through the terrible twos?”   The answer was “YES” we went through the terrible twos and now we are onto the challenges of the threes, but I have to say it doesn’t hold a candle to the twos, at least for us.

It was good to go back to read this and laugh because it does really show, like everything, this TWO shall pass (pun intended.)

Here’s what I wrote back on that fateful day in September at the end of my rope..

Click here to see it!