Regular Skin Checks Could Save Your Life

Several years back, my dad had a dark spot on his nose that was getting bigger. It wasn’t until someone blatantly asked him outright, “What’s that thing on your nose??” did he make an appointment to get it checked and see about getting it removed.

At the time, he was a little perturbed as he thought this person was quite rude for making the comment, but the rude remark likely saved his life. The spot on his nose was melanoma…

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Bullying: What Every Parent Should Know by Dr. Jerry Weichman

I was fortunate enough to connect with Dr. Jerry Weichman‘s wife through my blog. Seeing that October is National Anti-Bullying Month, and Dr. Jerry Weichman specializes in adolescents, I thought the topic of bullying might be right up his alley. This is a really important topic to me since my daughter just started Kindergarten and we are now in the grade school years. I thought it would be a very powerful post if he could give us expert advice on how we can start educating our children early about what bullies are, what they can do, and what warning signs to look for in our own children. This article is full of valuable information on bullying and what every parent should know.

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