#DailyChargeChallenge: Crowdsourcing Ideas

#DailyChargeChallenge: Doing one thing a day for self-care for month of September

Last week I wrote about ways to keep your sanity during the back-to-school madness as I tend to get a tad okay, a lot, stressed when school starts.  New classrooms, schedule, drop offs, pick ups, packed snacks and lunches, oh my. I am already tired just thinking about it.

This time of year can also be stressful for our kids as they get used to a new routine, wake-up time, classroom, and friends.  Usually my kids are an over-tired mess the first month as they get into their groove.  The last thing they need is an over-tired, frazzled mom to come home to, which is what inspired the idea behind the #DailyChargeChallenge.

When moms get busy, the first thing to go out the window is self-care.  Wouldn’t it be nice this September if we focused a very small amount of time each day to do something that recharges the battery? A recharged battery = happier mommy = happier family.

Join the #DailyChargeChallenge!

I am recruiting moms (and dads!) to participate in a #DailyChargeChallenge, which will begin September 1st and last for 30 days.

During the month of September I am challenging you to commit to doing ONE thing every day dedicated to solely to taking care of yourself.  A daily activity that in some way recharges your body, soul and/or spirit.  Your daily charge could be something that just takes a couple minutes or heck, you could plan an entire spa day. It’s up to you and what you can fit in your schedule and budget.

Now before you say you have no time or money for this, let me stop you. We ALL can find at least a few minutes somewhere in our day to devote to recharging our batteries. We can. Say it with me mamas, “WE CAN!”

Sometimes we just need the permission.

I am giving you the permission.

So, if anyone asks why you are sitting on the couch for a half hour and reading a magazine, well, you just tell them you HAVE to as part of the #DailyChargeChallenge.  Or, if you really need to lie down and take a power nap while your baby naps but you feel guilty because you “should” be doing something else, remember your #DailyChargeChallenge commitment and take that nap.

I am also going to suggest 30 ideas that don’t cost a penny, so you can’t give an excuse you don’t have the money. Now that we have those objections behind us,  OK, who’s IN?  Will you join me?

Let’s Brainstorm Together! 

I want us to brainstorm ideas to get you bubbling with ideas. Can you please comment below with your own ideas?  Things you can think of that recharge you?

I will then post a huge master list on September 1st when we launch the challenge, and I want you to challenge your mommy friends to join in the fun with you!

Follow my own daily self-care journey with #DailyChargeChallenge on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

To inspire other moms, please visit our Facebook page and share the post about our #DailyChargeChallenge and tag your friends to challenge them to do it with you. 

Now, let’s get the ideas flowing (please add yours in the comments!!)

Free Daily Charge Ideas:

1. Take a nap.
2. Go on a walk with a girlfriend.
3. Meditate or learn to meditate.
4. Take a bath.
5. Journal.
6. Make a fall bucket list of 5 things you want to do.
7. Read a magazine.
8. Call a friend on the phone.
9. Read a book.
10. Make a life bucket list.
11. Create a mindmap.
12. Call and schedule a doctor’s appointment you have been putting off for yourself.
13. Take a walk on the beach.
14. Stretch.
15. Take a new fitness class.
16. Write down personal goals for the school year.
17. Make a vision board of your personal goals.
18. Watch a morning show.
19. Watch one of your DVR’d shows.
20. Window shop in a cute area.
21.  Write your husband a hand-written love letter.
22. Have sex (sad it took me to #22 to think of this one!)
23. Download a guided meditation program.
24. Listen to your meditation program.
25. Unplug for 30 minutes.
26. Clean out your underwear drawer.
27. Organize your make-up / cosmetics.
28. Give yourself a mani / pedi.
29. Go shopping or use a gift card that has been sitting in your wallet for too long to buy something special for you!
30. Browse in a bookstore.
31. Meet a friend for a hike or nature walk.
32. Declutter an area that has been bothering you.
33. Make a gratitude list.
34. Clean out your closet and organize your clothes.
35. Arrange for someone to take your kids for the night so you can have an overnight alone with your hubby.
36. Go to the library.
37. Take a bike ride.

Not Free Daily Charge Ideas:

1. Get a facial or massage (watch deal sites for coupons!)
2. Meet a friend for coffee.
3. Meet girlfriends for lunch.
4. See a movie alone or with a friend.
5. Take a class to learn something new (knitting, photography, etc.)
6. Get a mani or pedi.
7. Buy these amaze-balls introduced to me by my amazing esthetician, Kristin Scott. Put one Yoga Tune Up Balls on each side of your spine starting at the base of your neck while laying on your back, moving them down your spine every few minutes until you have done the entire length of your back. Almost better than a massage. Almost.
8. Book a $40 TIDY cleaning service.
9. Buy a day pass to a local day spa (usually $20 – $25) and go for the morning to use their fitness room, steam, sauna and relax in the relaxation room.
10. Get a blow out.
11. Hang out at a cafe or coffee shop with your favorite coffee.
12. Get your car washed.
13. Meet a friend for happy hour or dinner.
14. Get a babysitter for a couple hours and do one of the free activities above!
15. Refresh a room in your house with some new decor.
16. Go on a date with your husband.
17. Visit a local museum, garden or attraction you have always wanted to see.
18. Garden, craft or do something you love that’s creative..
19. Sign up for a Timree painting class.
20. Buy yourself a little bouquet of flowers or new candle as a reminder of your self-care efforts.
21. Buy a new lip gloss or lipstick.
22. Pick a new activity like paddle boarding or indoor rock climbing and go with a friend.

 Your turn! Post your ideas!


  1. Find a Farmers Market to stroll (and grab some fresh produce and something for the family for dinner!)

  2. My favorite recharge/unguilty pleasure is to take a stroll at Fashion Island and treat myself to a nice coffee and a $25 or under little present- a new tshirt, fun nail polish color etc 🙂

  3. Me time will usually involve going out for a nice long run, without pushing the gigantic running stroller 🙂 Or if I do have the Peanut, head to the gym, drop her butt off at gymcare and sit outside by the pool with a coffee and my computer. Or a magazine. Or even sleeping in one of the pool chairs for a few hours, that works too. 🙂

    1. All of those sound just lovely! I love reading your ideas. Adding them to my list! Are you going to join our challenge?

  4. Is it sad that I’m really having to think about things to recharge??? This is an AWESOME idea, Jen, and obviously SO needed 🙂 Hmmmm, I love sitting in a Starbucks and checking my email and social media (in peace!) with my favorite coffee…and I also love (wait for it) doing my errands (like Target!) without the kiddies hanging on me. I guess that’s not really “recharge” time though! Going for a jog, getting a frozen yogurt treat, Mom’s Nights Out (a favorite!), going to a women’s Bible study at church, clearing my desk off and getting organized (from all of the piles), having a nice long chat with my mom, organizing my pictures (yes, organizing helps relax me :-))…

    1. Christy – I love your ideas – and I think the most important thing is recognizing what recharges YOU. And if organizing pictures relaxes you, then by all means, add it to your list for the challenge! Can’t wait to start this on Monday and I am happy to have some mamas joining me in the challenge!

  5. Wake up before the kids, around 5:30am and getting ready for the day on my time. It’s amazing how getting dressed and doing makeup without constant interruption can lead to a great day!

  6. Sometimes I go to the gym and skip the workout and just take a nice shower and dry my hair!

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