Guest Blog – Let the Legacy Continue


“Legacies live forever, they just get littler” or so states Jolie, a self-professed Michael Stars fanatic for many years now.   This is what she writes….

Michael Stars launched Mikey Stars on 5/10 at The Americana at Brand (that Rick Caruso marriage between The Grove and Main Street USA).  I haven’t seen it yet (Americana or the shirts), but if the tees at all resemble Big Brother Michael Stars, brace yourself for an addiction in the making.  Mikey Stars…as if your didn’t twinkle enough already… 

Jolie, Beverly Hills


Categorized as Fashion


  1. These are DELICIOUS. I’ve laid eyes on them at The Grove – I swear my biological clock went into overdrive at first sight. Be warned!

  2. Seems like I need to forward this one to Grandma. She’s always looking for something the girls "need".

  3. Yay! Can’t wait to get some of these. LOVE M Stars and they wash so well – perfect for kids.

  4. We are obsessed with these little onesies, beanies and more. I personally give every pregnant friend a Michael Stars maternity tee and Mikey Stars onesie…oh so cute!

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