Don’t Do It

How to Not Overcommit Yourself

Ladies, the start of the school year is upon us and that means lots of sign ups and volunteer sheets and new jobs to be done at school. This post is on how to not overcommit yourself because it’s oh so easy to do.

This time of year, I usually feel pretty hyped up.  I am fresh and haven’t experienced lunches, homework or projects for 3 whole months.

But sometimes this gung-ho energy can get me into trouble. What kind of trouble? The saying “yes” to every volunteer opportunity trouble. Like even just this morning I was sent sign-up sheets to volunteer and I immediately thought because I was sent the sheet, I am obligated to sign up.  But not necessarily.

Volunteering is an amazing gift if you have time available to dedicate to it.  I love to volunteer. I love to be around school. I love to help.

I don’t love being overcommitted and stressed out. Especially at the sake of my sanity or time with my family.

So, at the start of the school year, look at your schedule and obligations before jumping to “yes!”

How to Not Overcommit Yourself 

This post on Momastery was one of the most powerful posts I have ever read. Take a few minutes to read it. It’s not just about tweens, it applies to kids of all ages (and their moms)!

Her opening struck a chord in me because I am a people-pleaser and always want to say “yes” when asked to do something. But it’s never a good idea to jump to “yes” off the bat when asked unless it is a “hell yes, no question, I can totally do that and I WANT to do that” yes.

But lots of times it’s not.

So, when asked to do something, you got to practice your responses in advance because a lot of times you will be put on the spot. Come up with your responses now, then practice them.

If it’s a “hell no” you can say…

“Thanks so much for thinking of me! I would love to be able to, but I am…… (blah blah blah), and I am afraid I have too much on my plate to take on anything extra.”  Or truly you can just say, ” I have a lot going on this year and I am sorry I can’t swing it.” 

If it’s a “I’m not sure” you can say…

“Thanks so much for thinking of me! I have a lot on my plate right now, but let me think about whether I could fit it in, and I will get back to you.”

At least this buys you time to think through your obligations and if you are able to do it or not.

Come up with your responses now and practice them mamas.

You will be VERY glad you did.

1 comment

  1. Great article! Some useful tools here, like how not to say “yes” straightaway and have a little breather before deciding if its something you really want to do or not. To be honest having a bit of time for yourself is becoming all the more important these days – and that much more valuable to destress and unwind, so you have more to offer in the longrun… Many thanks and keep them coming!

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