Milkalicious Celebrates Earth Week

Just got this yesterday from Milkalicious, a breastfeeding boutique in Aliso Viejo, and wanted to pass it on!  It’s a great time to take advantage by stocking up on supplies for yourself or buying gifts for new mommy friends!  If you are pregnant and needing a breast pump, 15% off is a GREAT deal!  Here is the scoop:

“Earth Week is both a celebration of appreciation for our earth and of the environmental movement’s successes thus far as well as an excellent opportunity for discussion of environmental issues and solutions.

Study after study proves that breast is indeed best for your baby. It certainly isn’t shocking to conclude that breastfeeding is better for the environment as well.

Breastfeeding requires no energy (other than mom’s) to heat up the milk. There are no plastic scoops or containers involved, no bottles need to be manufactured or washed and it’s a 100% completely renewable resource. If the health benefits aren’t enough, breastfeeding is the easiest, least expensive, and greenest option for you and your baby.

In Celebration of Earth Week, Milkalicious is offering 15% off EVERYTHING in the store April 22nd – April 26th. Or, buy online, enter coupon code “Earth.”    

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