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Goat Yoga is a Thing. A Real Thing.

I got a press release this week in my email box with the title, “Goat Yoga Experience at Centennial Farm,” and I thought, oh the poor person who sent it out with an obvious typo. GOAT YOGA?!  I started to giggle and opened it to come to find out that goat yoga is a THING. Like a REAL THING.

Did you guys know this??

And since it is a real thing, and brought me a huge giggle and smile, I wanted to share the info with you.


 All the darkness of the night is no match for a single candle that refuses to die out.

Hello friends. It’s me. Just a little candle that’s been holding on in the wake of the darkness of grief.

I haven’t been writing or sharing regularly, because, when living with grief, it is hard to tap into creativity or really anything in addition to the daily things needed for survival. If that sounds dramatic, it is. But it’s the truth.

What I have learned is the timeline for “feeling better” is fluid. The feelings ebb and flow with periods of light, then darkness, then a little more light. Annnnnddddddd, repeat.

There have been so many times when I thought about sitting down to blog but something stopped me. I felt blocked. I had no energy. I didn’t know what to say. There was this emptiness in me that made it hard to channel any words. I felt like I had nothing to give.

My therapist gave me good advice – just start writing. Write something. Anything.

So here I am…

Categorized as Personal

Tiny Oranges Loves Tiny Truckers!

Well…October has rolled around quickly again this year (HOW???) and it’s always my cue to get my annual mammogram, doctor’s appointments, blood work, etc.  You know, all the appointments that just seem impossible to make in the summer?!  If you haven’t done yours…do it. Like, today.  Just make the call.

We love all things PINK this month in support of breast cancer awareness and wanted to share this Fighter hat, Survivor hat, and Fight Like a Mother hat from San Diego based Tiny Trucker Co. 

All proceeds from the sale of their breast cancer awareness hats will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation

Use Tiny Truckers discount code TINY15 to get 15% off your entire order………

How to Talk to Your Kids About Tragic Events

In the wake of last week’s horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, this article on how to talk to your kids about a tragic event in the news is brought to you by CHOC Children’s

When tragic events happen in the news it is sometimes hard to know how to handle conversations about it with our children. How much information should we give? How do we answer specific questions? How does this vary with a child’s age?

Which is why I was so grateful to have the opportunity to speak with Dr. Nicole Vincent, PhD, a licensed psychologist at CHOC Children’s to get her advice to share with you today… 

Getting Beyond the One Word Answer

This article is brought to you by CHOC Children’s pediatric psychologist Dr. Carlos Konishi Ph.D on conversation starters for kids and advice on how parents can encourage communication beyond the one word answer. Getting kids to share more can be a challenge at times, especially for parents of teenagers. His information on how to get kids to open up gave me so many “AHA!” moments during my interview I actually had to apologize for saying “TOTALLY!”  so many times after he said something that struck a chord. I was like an 80’s teenager myself. Totally.

conversation starters for kids

One word answers.


How was your day?




What did you do?

Not much.

The process of trying to get more information out of your child can be painful at times, like pulling teeth. So how do you get beyond the one word answer?

Here is Dr. Konishi’s insightful advice… be ready to say TOTALLY yourself…