Spooky Science – Bug Invasion 2 Giveaway

Bugs and insects of all shapes and sizes are creeping their way in, on and around Discovery Science Center starting Saturday, October 1 and I have a giveaway today for 4 tickets to take your family so make sure to enter below!

I went last year to this fabulous exhibit and it is one creepy crawly good time for the family! Everyday during this exhibit you will able to experience hands-on exhibits and learning stations, venture through a Spooky Science 4-D maze and embark on an interactive Bug Invasion scavenger hunt.

Kids will be amazed to see horned beetles, a walking stick bug, praying mantis and deadly locust towering over them at 1,000 times their actual size and can check out the bug kiosk featuring real centipedes, millipedes, Madagascar cockroaches and more, along with a world renowned pinned specimen collection from the Natural History Museum, Los Angeles.  Very cool!

As a special treat, on weekends during the month of October guests are invited to decorate your own pumpkin to take home, check out a Special Grasshopper Identification learning station and kids can wear their costumes for a kids’ costume parade!

On weekends, you can also see Dr. Sue’s Traveling Insect Zoo and her praying mantis, tarantulas and glowing scorpions along with Thor’s Reptile Stage Show starring a Yellow Monitor Lizard, Boa Constrictor and Rhinoceros Iguana!

Click here for the program schedule and weekend times for the above activities.

Tickets are $17.95 for adults (online special price of $12.95) and $12.95 for children ages 3 -14.  Click here to buy tickets.

Hooray! It’s a Tiny Giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive a family 4-pack of general admission tickets to Discovery Science Center!

Contest runs through Monday, 10/03/11 at 5pm PST.

Please leave a separate comment for each entry option and make sure to enter your email address (won’t be published) so I have a way to contact you if you are the winner.

1. Simply comment below and tell me what bug your kids love! – 1 ENTRY

2. {Like} Discovery Science Center on Facebook – 1 ENTRY

3. {Like} Tiny Oranges on Facebook – 1 ENTRY

4. Follow @DiscoveryCube on Twitter – 1 ENTRY

5. Follow @TinyOrangesOC on Twitter – 1 ENTRY

6. Subscribe to my email updates – 1 ENTRY


[Disclosure: Discovery Science Center is a Tiny Oranges Sponsor]


  1. My daughter loves bugs so much I edited an anthology called “We Love BUGS: 31 classic insect poems” just for her. (It’s available on Amazon if there are any other jr. entomologists out there)

  2. that would be awesome…never knew they did this! my boys are crazy about bugs (what boy isn’t) =)

  3. Right now my 2 year-old is obsessed with spiders – his favorite show is also Miss Sunny’s Spider Patch!

  4. My son likes ladybugs which I think in part because of the book “Grouchy Ladybug” by Eric Carle.

  5. My 4 year old son plays “black widow explorer” nearly everyday. He goes into our back yard wearing gloves and carrying his mini-flashlight while looking under rocks for spiders!

  6. right now my 3 year old loves rolly polly bugs and she is always picking leaves to feed to catapillars which we rarely see.

  7. I think my family would love a chance to have a tiny get away. Plus the smores would be yummy!

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