Thanksgiving Placesetting Idea!

I posted this last year – but thought it would be fun to run again for my new readers.   I make these Thanksgiving place cards each year to mix up the conversation at our turkey dinner.  Here is a quick how-to!

I make little cards for each placesetting and tuck them into the napkins.  At the top of the place card, I write the person’s name and underneath it, “We are thankful for you!”   Online I find general descriptions of the person’s astrological sign.  There are a bunch of silly websites you can search.  I like this website because they are short and sweet.  Scroll to the bottom to see the list of signs.

Then, at the bottom of the card, I have a “Table Topic Question” where I write a different question for each person. Towards the end of dinner, we start by reading our horoscope.   It is pretty funny to see how much everyone agrees or disagrees for that person.   Some are TOTALLY right on, others not so much!    Then, the person reads the table topic question, answers first, and we go around the table and everyone answers the question.   Some responses are surprising, some are hilarious, and the best part is you can learn things about your family members that you might not have known!

Here are some of my questions if I can remember correctly.  I have to do this again this year, so if you guys can think of more good ones, please post a comment here as I am going to need new material!!!!

1.  What was your first job?
2.  What natural born talent or skill do you wish you possessed?
3.  If you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing you would buy?
4.  Would you prefer a dream house on the beach or mountains?  Where?
5.  What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?
6.  What was your first car?

… you get the idea!

Here are the materials you will need for this little project:

1. 8 1/2 x 11 heavier card stock
2. Satin ribbon (optional)
3. Thanksgiving sticker decoration (optional) (I got mine at Michaels)


1. Make a Word Document in landscape page format  with two columns so you can fit 2 cards on one page
2. Type in your individual card info (download fun new free fonts at
3. Print and cut into 2 cards
4. Cut your ribbon, and wrap ribbon around the card and tape or glue together in the back
5. Adhere sticker in the middle of the ribbon


  1. What a great idea! Of course, I’d ask about a favorite toy or play experience. What was the first time they went camping? Describe the best time you ever had outdoors. It would inspire some great play memories. Thanks for re-running it.

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