The First Day of Preschool

My youngest, Morgan, started her first day of preschool on Monday.

After watching her big sister skip off to school for four years now, I can tell she is SO ready for it finally to be her turn!

This week is sort of a BIG DEAL to me. Because, now, for the next 9 months, I get three mornings a week with no children in the house. I have been a stay at home/work at home mom for 6 years and 3 months, so in a way, it is now my turn too!

Now, with drop off and pick up drive times, it will likely equate to 7.5 hours a week, but that is 7.5 hours of more time than I have ever had in forever, so it is going to be a new way of life.

A go ahead and “book that dentist appointment on a Wednesday morning sister because you CAN!” kind of life.

I had a funny moment when filling out the preschool registration sheet this time around for Morgan.  There was one section that asked if there is anything we should know about your child?

For my oldest daughter, I remember writing an entire paragraph of specifics about her. On and on, about how she will ask “is the flush loud?” and her obsession with “loud flushing” toilets, to a myriad of other details I am quite sure the teachers had a good chuckle over.

For Morgan, I just had one sentence, “She is sweet and can be shy, but I am sure she will do fine and love preschool.”

What a difference this time around. Things are just so much simpler.

So, if you are reading this today, on Wednesday, during the hours of 9:15am – 11:45am, I am probably sitting on the couch watching Kelly Ripa while snacking on bon bons. YEA RIGHT!

But hey, I COULD if I wanted to!

Anyone else have a quiet house this year for the first time? Want to come over for bon bons?

[First day of school free printables found here.]


  1. Exciting stuff! This transition is a life-changer!! I feel like the kids start acting grown up too…and being more independent at home. And geez…when did Morgan get so old!? Didn’t I just do her newborn photos last year? 🙂

  2. cute dress! i hope she (and you) have a fantastic day! for me, it’s been a while since i had just ONE at home alone 3 days a wk … so i’m cheering on those quiet mornings too ….

    1. The loud flushing toilets were a topic of discussion for years with Emma. To the point that almost every public place we went to, the restroom would have to be tested to assess the “loudness” of the flush.

  3. Jen, I sure had a good laugh at the bon bons!! :-). Today was my first day of 4 hours of freedom this year too! Woot woot!!

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