Wordless Wednesday: Grateful

I snapped that shot on the way out to Palm Springs for a weekend away with my husband to celebrate our wedding anniversary a couple weeks ago, and when I did I thought, life is so beautiful.

And I felt grateful.

On this Thanksgiving Eve, it is such a great reminder to think about all the things we are grateful for.

For me, I am so grateful for my husband and our 11 married years together, for our two daughters who are my everything, for my supportive friends, both new ones and those I have been lucky enough to know forever, for our loving families who are always there for us, for Susanne who makes Tiny Oranges just that much more fun, and for all of our collective good health. Life is beautiful.

I am also so grateful for YOU. Thank you for reading and making this dream of mine a reality.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone! In the meantime, have you ordered your holiday photo cards yet? Check out my favorite companies to narrow down your search!

Going to take the rest of the week off from posting, see you back on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving! What are you most grateful for this year? Please share…and for more Wordless Wednesday pics visit  AngryJulieMonday.

1 comment

  1. Great post! I’ve had a big sensation lately that life is all happening so fast, I’m trying to mentally slow it down and appreciate it. Does that make sense? I am so very greatful for my loving husband and two entertaining & amazing girls, our family and friends. And I am so greatful for you, Jen & Tiny Oranges! We are having so much fun together! I couldn’t have asked for a better person to work with! XO

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