Guest Blog – “Free Play” Areas

This guest blog is by Michele, a play fanatic who catalogues local playgrounds on Fun Orange County Parks — and inspires play experiences on her related Spotlighting Play blog.

“Free Play” Areas at Disneyland and California Adventure

“Lots of parents in Orange County have passes to Disneyland. We went the season pass route this year and have already got our money’s worth out of it. Season passholders develop their own routine and figure out which parts of the parks are busiest at which times. Seems to me, the “free play” places become underdog attractions when compared to

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Guest Blog – Frosted Cupcakery

“If you’re anything like me, you keep a close watch on the amount of sugar that your little ones consume! We run a pretty tight ship around here…vegetables every day, whole grains, no sweets. So, when we do have dessert, we go all out! Click here to read more