Find Some More Me Time in Your Day!

Find Some More Me Time in Your Day

As mamas, we give our kiddos everything we have – our unconditional love, our time, our patience, our nurturing, our advice, our many, many talents (chauffeur, nurse, teacher, monster-catcher, nose wiper…), and sometimes, our sanity.  And they deserve absolutely everything we have to give.

But sometimes, I find myself running on empty, completely drained.  Yes, I should exercise more.  Yes, I should eat healthier.  Yes, I should get more rest.  But sometimes, I just want more TIME.

And (gasp)…time for ME.

Here are some simple ways I’ve made some room in my life for more “me” time…and I hope these tips help you.  Us mamas have to stick together!

Click here to read more!