How will you make a difference in 2011?

Tomorrow is the last day of 2010. WOW. For me this is always a time on reflecting on this past year and looking ahead to the things I want to accomplish in the new one.

If you are in the same mode and want to do something to give back next year – I urge you to consider putting getting involved in our Tiny Oranges PCRF Run/Walk team on your list! There are several different ways to get involved. You can register anytime, but registration fees go up after 12/31, so if you are considering it, no need to wait, sign up today!

Here are some FAQs and questions I have been getting on our team I wanted to share:

Click here see it!

iSanctuary Pepsi Refresh Project

Not terribly uplifting to start the day with this statistic, but the GOOD NEWS is there is something we can do to help and it is as easy as sending a text & voting online now through December 31st.

Did you know each year 800,000 people are trafficked globally? Of those, 14,500-17,000 people are trafficked into the United States each year. Yes, INTO the US, including Orange County.

International Sanctuary or iSanctuary is a local organization that works on behalf of survivors of human trafficking and is doing work to advocate for exploited people of the world. They work to educate the public about human trafficking and its prevention and are instrumental in providing survivors the means to be reintegrated as valued members of a community.

Here is where come in!

Click here to read more!

Give Hope This Holiday with 31 Bits Jewelry

I am going to let you in on a little pet peeve of mine – I don’t like buying gifts just for the sake of buying something. It bugs me when I don’t have the perfect gift in mind for someone, because what that means is I end up buying some random lotion or candle or something impersonal. But now that I have been introduced to 31 Bits, a small local company with a big impact, it makes my heart smile, because anytime I am in that position, I know I have a go-to gift that has meaning.

Click here to read more!

Core Athletica Pilates Fundraiser

Have you been nibbling on a few extra holiday treats? Need to burn off some holiday calories?

This Sunday morning, take a break from your crazy holiday schedule to do something great for your body, your health and a GREAT cause when you join Erica Ziel (one of our team members!) of Core Athletica for a reformer Pilates class benefiting Team Tiny Oranges and the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Run/Walk!

The class will be held at…

Click here to read more!

Macy’s National Believe Day

Macy’s has declared today, December 10th, National Believe Day! Doesn’t just reading that put you in a good mood this morning?

The Macy’s Believe Campaign is making wishes come true all season long with our help! Here is how it works:

1. Write a stamped letter to Santa and address it to “Santa at the North Pole.” Click here if you want to create a letter on the Macy’s site (so cute!)

Click here to read more!