Unplugging for the week!

I try to be pretty consistent with posting 5 days a week, have done so for over two years now, and I LOVE it!

But what that also means is that I am never “off!” Nights, weekends, what have you. So I have made a commitment to myself that two times a year, I am going to take a week off to TOTALLY unplug.

Time to stop and dream. Time to think of new ideas and improvements for my site. Time to refresh and breathe and reflect. Time to be away from the constant checking of everything that is so easily accessible at my fingertips these days!

I just wanted to give you the heads up so that you didn’t wonder WHY there would be no new posts next week.

So hmmmmmmm……what can you do during this next week, you might ask?

Click here to read more!

Team Tiny Oranges Reaches for the Cure

I have a dream, and I need your help.

Before you get scared that I am going to try to get you to run a Half Marathon, let me be clear, to be on the Tiny Oranges Team, you can choose to participate in any of the events, the Half Marathon, 10K run, 5K run OR walk, even a 1K kids fun run!

Now that hopefully your mind is still open, please keep reading on how this idea all came together and what we can do together to make a difference in a child’s life!

Click here to read more!

Pediatric Cancer – A Survivor’s Story

I used to be a wedding planner in my past life. Although crazy and stressful at times, the thing I loved most about my job was the close relationship I formed with my clients over the course of the year (and sometimes more!) that we worked together.

And now thanks to Facebook, I have reconnected and stayed in touch with a lot of my brides. One such very special former bride of mine, Kristin, is now a married mom and recently contacted me about writing to raise awareness about a very important topic: pediatric cancer.

The year we worked together we were immersed in the world of linen colors and menu choices, so I had NO idea she went through something like this as a child.

Since most all of you reading this blog right now are moms yourself, I think I am safe to say that most all of us simply cannot IMAGINE if it were our child that was affected. Beyond even my comprehension.

Kristin wanted to share her story to shed light on pediatric cancer because it is the number one disease killer of children. More children die from cancer than AIDS, asthma, cystic fibrosis and diabetes COMBINED. Did you have ANY idea?

But there is something you can do to help! Keep reading…but first, here is her story…

Click here to read more!

Chic Mama Diaper Cakes & Every Little Bottom

Chic Mama {an online boutique offering the most stylish diaper cakes you will ever see!} was fortunate enough to participate in a great cause recently and I asked her to write a little to share about her experience! Here is what she wrote…

“Ellen Pompeo, star of Grey’s Anatomy, is partnering with Huggies to launch the nationwide “Every Little Bottomdiaper drive. Through a series of local drives, events and donations from Huggies, Pompeo hopes to generate 20 million diapers for babies in need.

Click here to read more!

Pumpkins & Pancakes Event Benefiting CASA

I am very excited to tell you about a special Halloween event coming up on Sunday, October 24th, 2010 at South Coast Plaza {Crystal Court} called Pumpkins & Pancakes benefiting CASA. My family has gone the last two years in a row and it is SO MUCH FUN!

Not only is it an amazingly fun Halloween event for your kids, but the money raised helps local abused and neglected children through an amazing non-profit organization called CASA (or Court Appointed Special Advocates) in Orange County. And, CASA has been kind enough to offer Tiny Oranges 4 tickets to giveaway to this FUN event, so make sure to read below on how to enter to win!

Click here to read more!