6 Easy Service Projects To Do With Your Kids

Service Project Ideas to Do With Your Kids

I am a firm believer in teaching my kids the importance of serving others…giving back and thinking about something bigger than themselves.  So here are 6 easy  service project ideas to do with your kids!

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How to End Fights Over Car Seats

This post is how to end fights over car seats, an issue that seems to be a common one amongst moms with more than one child eligible to ride in the same type of car seat and carpooling moms everywhere. May this idea work for you like it worked for me because dealing with car seat squabbles can be a nightmare.

My Secrets to Getting Organized This Fall

Secrets to Getting Organized This Fall 1

This week, I want to share some of my secrets to getting organized this Fall…it’s hard to stay on top of things when life gets hectic. About a week ago, I noticed my piles of papers were growing taller, my car was starting to look like we lived in it, and our homework area was getting out of control.

Time to get organized! Here are some things that work for us. Would love to hear the ways you keep your family organized too!

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My Mom’s Words of Wisdom – Mom Was Right!

Moms Words of Wisdom 2

To quote an oldie, but goodie song…mama said there’d be days like this…and she was right.  Actually, my mom was right about a LOT of things.  (Thanks mom!).

So this one is for you, mom.  A blog devoted to my favorite pieces of advice from YOU.  A collection of some of my favorites…and many that I didn’t understand until I became a mom myself.

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Sick Day Activities To Do With Your Little Ones

Sick Day Activities 6

Cure boredom and blahs, while keeping them happy and occupied!

I was recently reminded how crummy sick days are with your kiddos…especially by day two or day three.  So here are my sick day activities to do with your little ones.

Not only do your babies feel awful, but you’re also quarantined at home. With sick kiddos. Who are cranky, tired, blah…and antsy.

Yes, antsy.  Just last week, my little man was fighting a virus  Day one = sleep and snuggles. Day two and three = antsy, with side of cabin fever.

Too sick to leave home, he was crawling up the walls.  And so was I.

There are hundreds of ideas to entertain your kids during sick days at home…and here are a few of my favorites I keep in my back pocket.

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