Rabbit Rabbit! – A Fun Family Tradition

A Cute Family Tradition for Good Luck

(I know Easter is over, hope you are not bunny-ed out yet!)

Rabbit Rabbit! is a fun family tradition for good luck I have been doing with my mom and brother since I was little and now do with my own kids.

On the first of every month you say “Rabbit Rabbit!” to whoever is playing and if you are the first to say it you get the good luck for that month.

Bonus: if you are first to say it on Jan 1st, you get good luck that month and the whole year!

It’s easy, you have lots of chances to win and who doesn’t want good luck, right?

So if I say “Rabbit Rabbit!” first to my daughter she still has a chance to say it first to her brother, dad and grandma.  And the game starts over every month, so there are many many opportunities for luck.

Aside from the winning good luck, it is a fun tradition that has ensured that I call my mom on the first of every month even if I’ve just talked to her the day before.

As a mom myself now, I hope that when my kids grow up, we continue this tradition because it’s a great way to make sure to stay in touch even when things are busy and we might otherwise forget or put it off.  I know my mom looks forward to the “Rabbit Rabbit!” call each first of the month as much as I do!

What easy and fun traditions does your family have? Do you have any family traditions for good luck?


  1. so cute! what a great way to stay connected to family. its a great idea to keep communication

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