Get Carried Away


I have a very, very fussy newborn.  The Sleepy Wrap has seriously been a God send.  I don’t know how I would live without it.  I am not being dramatic, it works miracles (at least it does for us.)

I got mine at Milkalicious, a breastfeeding boutique in Aliso Viejo, before she was born.  The girls there raved about it.   I even overheard a customer at Milkalicious the other day saying that they were going to let her try it out with her baby before buying it.  Talk about customer service!

Warning: the thing seems like a major contraption and can be intimidating at first.  It is just this huge long piece of fabric and you will wonder – how on earth am I going to figure this out?  Or maybe that was just me!   But once you get it down, it is wondrous.   You just have to get the hang of it, and then once you figure it out, it is not that hard at all.

She can be fussing up a storm, and within minutes of tucking her into the “newborn” wrap (there are different wrap techniques for different ages) she will literally fall asleep within 5 minutes.  I wear her in it for the better part of the day.

I have even mastered how to have her nurse in it so I can blog!  Talk about multi-tasking!

Fabulous gift idea for a new mom who is at her wit’s end with a fussy baby!   Or, really just a great gift idea in general!

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  1. What a great idea for a baby shower. I am always at a loss at what to bring to a shower – this wrap sounds amazing. I wish I would have had one with my kids. If I have another I will be prepared! 🙂

  2. I had a similar one with my youngest (now almost 6!) and LOVED IT! He practically lived in it. It made it so much easier to go about my day with him snuggled in and happy. I would agree, best baby shower gift ever! =)

  3. Hi Jen,
    do you and Morgan stay comfortable temperature-wise with this wrap? I have only used my sling twice and am disappointed with it because both Roy and I get too hot and sweaty. I wasn’t sure if that is a problem specific to my sling (peanut shell) or if it happens with all slings/wraps.

  4. Hi Jill, Thankfully with this heat wave, we have air conditioning, so we have been comfortable in the Sleepy Wrap. Without AC, it is going to be hot! I think anytime you have a baby attached to your body in these temperatures, it is going to be pretty toasty combined with the body heat! Hopefully it starts to cool off!!! Jen

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