I Survived the 1st 7 Weeks. Barely.

I am happy to say I survived the first 7 weeks of life with a newborn.  I forgot how HARD it is in the beginning, nature is kind that way.  I am so sleep deprived I am on the fast train to looneyville! Even putting sentences together is a task these days.  It is like one big foggy day runs into the next.   Some days are better than others.

Man oh man, did we have a rough start!  I really thought…oh second time around will be so my EASIER…I know what I am doing this time, I won’t stress as much, I am so much more relaxed, blah, blah, blah.   No such luck!

First off, most importantly, we have a healthy, beautiful baby girl.   I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because believe me, I am incredibly grateful.  I was secretly a little worried before she arrived. I wondered if I would be able to love her as much as I love my first?   It was hard to imagine.  Then she arrived and it was love at first sight.  And sometimes overwhelming, the intensity of the love.

I had a doozy of a time health-wise after her delivery.   The recovery from my c-section was as I expected. No complications or anything, but basically the first two weeks were pretty painful for me.  Then, come week two, I start getting these intense abdominal pains that put me to the floor.  Turns out I have (had) six kidney stones.  I couldn’t believe I was having to deal with kidney stones with a two week old and a c-section recovery!  I was sitting in the Urgent Care for 3 hours thinking “Seriously.  Is this a joke??”

Baby-wise we have had a bit of a rough time as well.  Morgan has severe reflux, which Emma didn’t have, so it has been a whole new ball game I was not at all prepared for.   Very early on, we had three SUPER scary incidents where she choked on her spit up during the night.  For a few seconds (that felt like eternity)  her face turned red and she made no noise like she couldn’t breathe.    Thankfully she was able to cough it up and was OK, but it scared the daylights out of me.   I essentially did not sleep at all the first month as I was so scared of her choking again in her sleep. I still *sleep* with both ears and one eye open.

Because of the choking and her other symptoms, we got referred to a GI pediatric specialist at CHOC and have her on two medications, Zantac and Reglan.   It has been really frustrating as I don’t feel like the medications are really helping that much.  To anyone who has gone through this, if you have any insight for me, please comment below or email me if you prefer (jennifer@tinyoranges.com.)

She is better in the sense that she hasn’t choked again since the second week, although we have not had her sleeping flat on her back since then, so I don’t know whether to attribute it to that or the medication.    She still spits up all the time, and when she is awake, the poor thing seems pretty miserable a lot.  She grimaces and turns red and is gassy and fussy and just seems really uncomfortable.

I don’t want to jinx it, but she’s been a tad less fussy the last few days. I am hoping, hoping we are turning the corner.  It has been so fun to finally get to see her little personality when she is awake but not crying!

Having a newborn and another child is a whole other post.  My goodness, it is not easy!  Takes the word “multi-tasking” to a whole new level!  I worship all of you who have paved the way before me.  There are some great times/moments when I think “I’ve got this down, we are doing pretty good!”  Then there are other times/moments when both kids are crying/whining/needing something and it makes me want to burst into tears myself, then grab a bottle of chardonnay and lock myself in my room. Those times usually result in a call to my husband at work with the ever-important question, “WHEN ARE YOU COMING HOME?????”

However, even through the hard times, I am definitely appreciating all those little newborn things more this time…the little coos, the expressions, the first smiles, the smell of their hair, the soft skin.   I sit and stare at her a lot.   I am biased, but I just think she is perfection.  Spit up, gas, fussiness and all :-).

On another positive note, Emma has SHOCKED me with how well she has adjusted.  She is the first grandchild on both sides and it has been just her for 3 full years, so I was prepared for some acting out or a little jealousy.   She has been remarkable.   The loving gestures she shows Morgan bring tears to my eyes.   She probably kisses her about 100 times a day, wants to change every diaper with me, and is on “binky” duty if she fusses and spits it out.    I know this could change at any time, but for now, things on this front are very good.

Each day seems to get a little easier, or rather, we are sort of finding a groove.   All babies grow out of reflux, so I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  More to come from our adventures in newborn land, fow now the baby is crying (shocker!) I have to run!  Thanks for listening to my saga!!! xoxox Jen

Categorized as Personal


  1. It does get easier! Especially when you can start getting some sleep. You’re doing everything right – just take it one day at a time. You’ve got a great perspective trying to enjoy it all, too.

  2. I’m so happy you shared this with us. It sounds like things are progressing normally…bumpy, but normally. Like Michele says…it does get easier. Take care of yourself Jennifer…so awesome to have you back!

  3. Always here if you need us! We can come play with Emma and you can slep with Morgan–we would actually love an excuse for an outing! : ) Hang in there, you will get into a good groove, you are a great mommy my dear! Missing you!

  4. My son has reflux as well. Zantac didn’t work for us either. We never tried reglan because of the potential side effects. My son is 7 months now and doing great. He takes 1/2 a prevacid solutab twice a day and it made a HUGE difference. Good luck! Having a reflux baby is so hard, especially on a nursing mom. Hang in there.

  5. Hi Lauren, Thx sooo much. Ironically I just picked up samples of Prevacid from our ped yesterday to start trying. Did you notice a big difference? I am crossing my fingers. Thx for the note, I appreciate it so much. And yes, I am a nursing mom and it has been so hard!! xo Jen

    Michele, Paula & Tara, Thx so much for the comments and support!!! Love you all! xo Jen

  6. Hi Jen,
    Thanks for being so candid and sharing with us. Those first few months I would say are so tough because of the whole lack of sleep thing. It’s tough at the beginning but once they start sleeping a bit more it becomes so much easier.

    My daughter had reflux and I was about to start her on meds when someone suggested I use Gripe Water. What a lifesaver. It’s all natural- you can find it at your local drugstore under the baby care center. I will bring you some tonight so that you can try it out. It’s all natural and it made a huge difference with my daughter.

  7. Hi Daytripping mom! We actually have the Gripe Water and Mylicon drops. Both didn’t work on her, she is a tough case!! Thanks for the tip though!! See you tonight!! xoxo Jen

  8. Hi Jennifer,
    I’m new to the whole blog thing, but right there with you in "Adventures in Newborn Land". I myself have a 9yr. old, 19month old twins, and a 4week old. One of my twins was very spitting and chokey, no reflux, but the choking aspect is VERY scary. We elevated her when she slept and we slept with eyes open, too. We ended up using "Colic Calm", all natural for gasiness and colic. It worked well, so well that when the other twin would get gassy from whatever I ate, we gave it to him too. Good luck! And thank you for the tip on the "Sleepy Wrap", I’m carrying the newbie it now and it has been a LIFE SAVER since I’m incompetent with slings. Oh, something else I remember from the ped…he suggested I try to burp my daughter during feedings to alleviate some of the gas build up in her tummy…it was hard to break her away every few minutes while I was tandum nursing, but it did help.

  9. I have a 4 week old and a 2 year old. I am exactly where you are at, except that my first had reflux. My second was at CHOC for a week with a sever infection though. We just got home last week. Motherhood is tough…but hang in there! It will get better!

  10. Jennifer,

    It TOTALLY gets better. I remember with my first(I have three so it couldnt have been THAT bad) he had reflux SOOO bad that it seemed like we were at CHOC in Orange at the GI specialist more than we were at home. Things I did…swaddling…he slept up right most of the time if not in the swing..He was also REALLY colicly so I tried the Hyland colic pills and grip water. You can actually get both at Rite Aid now..at least around here you can. I will tell you, like everyone else, that it will absolutely get better if you can just weather these first few months. Check out the miracle blanket too…I thought it was a bunch of marlarky until I tried it and I am VERY skeptical. Email me if you need advice!


  11. Stephanie, Jilleen and Jennifer – Thanks so much for your comments and support!!! I love the advice…I take advice whenever I can get it. Hang in there to you both with one month olds. Someday down the road we will all sleep again :). xo Jen

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