Guest Blog – Tideland Tots

This guest  blog was sent to me by one of our Tiny Oranges readers, Angie from Costa Mesa, mom to a 3 year old daughter, Maya.   What a beautiful guest blog and great find, thanks Angie for sending!  

She writes:

Tideland Tots is a fabulous program, located in the Upper Newport Bay at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center, and, is taught by, Sue, or “Nature Sue,” as everyone calls her. “Nature Sue” is wonderful, super positive, knowledgeable and very engaging. The topic for our session, since we were so close to Easter, was “Rabbits.” We learned about rabbits in an endearing puppet show, and then the kids got to feel the real fur of a rabbit pelt, and touch a real rabbit skull. We then ventured outside for about a 10-minute walk to use our eyes to try and spot a bunny or two of our own. We ended the day by making a fabulous bunny ear craft, which the kids could wear when finished. The Interpretive Center is phenomenal, and we spent almost another hour looking at and enjoying the facility itself. There is a reading section, a microscope section – (where you can look at all kinds of things and creatures up-close), and, they also have animals which are native to the back bay, including several live snakes, rodents, and an aquarium with a blue crab and fish, a puzzle table too, and, lot’s more. If you can’t make the class, I strongly suggest coming to the kids room, a fun outing in itself!

I truly believe that as parents, one of the greatest gifts we are given is the ability to see once again through the eyes of our children, and rekindle the original joy and spark of learning that we have all certainly felt at some point in our lives. My daughter wasn’t the only one who took away so much from this class, particularly it was a tremendous remembrance of why I choose to live where I do, and how abundant and brimming with life Orange County truly is. We are very fortunate to have the Interpretive Center, a place which instills an inherent fondness, respect and connection to nature in us and our children. Perhaps most importantly I was reminded how crucial conservation and preservation is, not only on a global level, but on a local level as well.

Tideland Tots will run weekly in the summer, on Thursdays, from 10:30-11:15, starting in June and is for kids ages 2-5. For the month of May, classes are on Wednesdays. Costs is $5.00. Space is limited, so pre-registration is required. (949) 923-2275, or email to register. Check the website for more details!” 

Peter & Mary Muth Interpretive Center
2301 University Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Hey mamas!  Have a fun find or idea to share? Email me at   I want to hear from you! 


  1. Great post!! Love the interpretive center. By the way Jen were you at the eco fair? I saw a cute preggo dressed in all black carrying a cute litle girl and thought it might be you but was too chicken to go up. By the time I had the nerves to go up to you my son had a big freakout at the snake display and we had to leave. We were there around 2pm.

  2. You are so funny! Yes! We were there, although, I don’t know if the word "cute" would best describe me now! Hee hee… We were there earlier, around 11 – 1230ish. Very fun, love that place. We took a picnic and ate lunch at the back of the trail. Sorry I missed you!!!

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