Mommy & Me at Mosaic Music!

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Have you been looking for a fun music class to attend with your little one?   Mosaic Music  in Yorba Linda is excited to announce the launch of their new Mommy & Me classes enrolling now!   Make sure to read below on how to enter to win a month of free classes…  

With three different levels available for kids ages 0 – 4, these music and danced-based classes are designed to offer a unique blend of musical learning activities to stimulate and engage the little senses.  

Their Mommy & Me teacher, Michele Ehrenberg, is a well-established toddler teacher in the community and has worked for MyGym, Gymboree, KinderMusic and did Storytime at Borders in Brea.  She has taken her favorite elements from all of these classes to form Mosaic’s Mommy & Me classes.   Kids always remember her signature pink guitar and fun, bubbly personality!

The Mommy & Me classes are held on Tuesday mornings.   The first class is free so you can take your child and check it out!  You can contact Mosiac for the schedule and times at 714.579.3151 or

For those of you with older children, Mosaic Music also offers private lessons by the best available, hand-picked teachers trained at universities like Juilliard and USC. 

Hooray! It’s a Tiny Giveaway!  One lucky winner will win a month of free Mommy & Me classes at Mosaic Music (a $65 value.)  To enter, do the following:

1.  Email me at and include your first name and last initial.

2. In the email, tell me one instrument that they offer private classes for.  Hint:  Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page!

3. You can enter as many times as you want, just have your emails in before 5pm PST on Friday, Oct. 2nd.

4. Become a Tiny Oranges Fan on Facebook and I will give you an additional entry for each email.  Just let me know that you became a fan!

Good luck!  Happy Monday everyone…wishing you all a fabulous week!


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