Rockabye Baby


This guest blog was sent to me by a first time mommy to a little boy.  I checked out the website and listened to some samples. So cool!   Here is what she writes:

“I’ve started to notice my 10 week old little guy seems easily distracted when I breastfeed in front of the TV or talk on the phone (pardon me!).  He seems very soothed by music – it almost puts him in a trance.  So, I went looking for some lullaby music that’s better than the annoying tunes we’ve been repeating in his infant swing.  I discovered Rockabye Baby on iTunes and it’s amazing!!!  Rockabye Baby puts together lullabye versions of your favorite rock bands.  Everything from The Beatles, Bob Marley, No Doubt and U2.  I purchased the Radiohead (my husband’s favorite band) and U2 albums and put them on our iPod.  I’ve set up the iHome docking station and clock in the nursery which has a sleep timer on it also.  It’s a great little routine we started and I think he really responds to the soothing tunes.  Plus, the experience is great for me too hearing our favorite tunes during our middle of the night feedings!”

Hey mamas,  want to be a guest blogger?  Got something you want to share?  Email me at  Include your mailing address and I will send you a $5 Starbucks card as a thank you!


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