Show Your Room Mom Some Love This Year

room mom appreciation ideas

Oh, back-to-school time is in full swing. Soccer has started, carpools are in motion, and some moms will be putting their name down to volunteer to be your fearless leader as “room mom” this year. Bless them.

I am dedicating this post on room mom appreciation ideas to those room moms everywhere and want to share some little things, LITTLE things you can do to make their role easier this school year.

Anyone have anything to add? Please share in the comments below!

What You Can Do To Help Your Room Mom

First off, remember these ladies (or men!) are volunteers. Endless hours will be spent planning your child’s class parties and organizing thoughtful gifts for your teacher. I mean, aren’t the following the least we can do?

1. Every now and again, email back. 

On numerous times I would email the entire class about an upcoming party or class event and hear, crickets. Not one response.

Many times I even wondered if anyone received it or if it got stuck in my outbox or cyberspace.

It’s so easy to do a quick email back to the room mom, with a short, “Thanks!” Done and done.  At least they know someone got it.

Just remember to REPLY, not REPLY ALL!

2. Volunteer for something. Anything. 

Most times it was the same 5 moms volunteering for everything.

Now I understand many moms work and physically being there for the class events is not feasible and you don’t have to be.

However, you can sign up to contribute something to the party. Even a pack of paper napkins is appreciated.

 3. If you want to participate in the class gift, send in your money before she has to ask you again. 

The class gift where everyone pitches in and room mom goes out and buys something adorable from the group is actually a gift to you.  Because it’s taken care of.

If you want to do this, please send in your money, like the next day, in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and what it’s for.

You have no idea how many reminders it would take to collect all the money for the gift. It’s a lot of time and a lot of emails.

Make her life easier by being the first one to send in your money. As a bonus, you won’t have to think about it again.

4. Write a quick note…

Let’s take it a step further, consider writing a note of thanks with your money. Even just a note on scratch paper saying, “Thanks so much for coordinating the gift! I appreciate it!!” will mean a lot to her.

Come holiday time it is another thing on room mom’s list to add to holiday stress. A little note of appreciation goes a long way.

5. Remember room mom at the end of the year 

Come end of the year, room mom is likely really busy organizing the last week of school festivities and coordinating the end of the year gift for your teacher.

It’s so thoughtful to give your room mom a little something as a thanks. A personal card, $5 gift card to buy her a coffee, or even consider getting $1 or $2 per family and buy her a mani/pedi and a little note of thanks for the class.

Just good lucking collecting the money…!


  1. Great ideas, Jen! Since my kids are so little, I haven’t been class room mom yet…but I have been team mom for soccer. I especially love the comment to…email back every now and then 🙂 Just to awknowledge the request or say a quick word of thanks – it goes a long way!

  2. I was room mom last year for kinder and again this year for 1st grade. These are some great tips! And would so be appreciated! Thank you for posting! 🙂

    1. Yvette – I posted on behalf of room moms everywhere (as a former room mom!) Good for you for your work. I know firsthand all you do for your classrooms :).

  3. Great tips. Even a thank you on a post it helps! I was Room Mom last year because I wanted to stay involved! I felt like I was constantly asking for money! Ugh. I have 3 jobs and 2 kids and still volunteer! Why can’t people remember to bring $5 after 3 email reminders??!!!! And trust me they can all afford it at our school! Going back to volunteering IN the classroom this year. Would much rather be around the kids than beg for $$$$! Hats off to the ROOM MOMS, its a tough job! Our teachers deserve every gift we can give them!

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