Now is the Time

I have written about this topic for years now because I feel passionate about sharing information on what parents need to do to make sure their kids would be taken care of if the worst were to happen to them.

It’s an awful thought, but better to get it done so you can move on with your life  with peace of mind.  If you haven’t already done this for your family yet, I hope now is the time.

Here is a guest post Darlynn Morgan from Morgan Law Group in Newport Beach wrote about this topic. Darlynn holds free workshops to educate parents on the steps to take to get your legal stuff in order, how to legally name guardians for your kids, etc.

There are two local OC workshops coming up at the end of the month to learn more. Details at the end of the post. Here is what Darlynn had to share about what she speaks on…

Click here to read more….

Free Virtual Seminar For Parents

Peter from South County Law Group is holding a FREE virtual seminar for parents this Thursday night, 4/22/10 at 8pm PST.  There is no obligation, just an opportunity to get totally free legal advice.  The best part is you don’t even have to leave your house!  Just get the kids down for bed and hop on the call to listen about the things you can do to make sure your kids are protected.

In the call, he will cover…

Click here to read more!