I have great news!

I am so excited to share with all of you…I’m pregnant! Wow.  That’s still so awesome (and a little weird!) to say, no matter how many times I say it or how many times I write it. After 10 years of marriage, my husband and I are ecstatic to welcome our third baby this August.… Continue reading I have great news!

WWYD?! He’s Just Not That Into You

Welcome to WWYD?! Wednesday, where we discuss real life parenting issues (big or small) our readers are facing and ask for YOUR comments with advice, experience, information or any helpful tips you might have. It takes a village people. Seriously. Sometimes just one voice in the village can make a difference. You could be that voice today. Can you help?

Today’s topic: preschool playground problems

Preschool Playground Problems

Toothbrush Trick



Hi my name is Jen and I am a too hard toothbrusher. I know because my toothbrush looks like the one on the left below.  Might go along with my Type A personality, but I recently got a wake up call when visiting the pediatric dentist with my little one about the effects of too hard brushing and how often you should replace your toothbrush.

I really never truly knew that answer so I asked him, “How often should you replace your toothbrush?” because come to think of it, I don’t really keep track of how long I use the same one. I just replace when the bristles are all smashed down. Not good. Don’t recommend.

The answer was interesting as was this super cook trick he shared with me to help me know when it was time to replace a toothbrush, both of which I am going to share with you today.

how often should you replace your toothbrush

Cool Kids Decor

Links to Land of Nod’s cool kids decor are affiliate links. Home decor makes me happy. When I go into someone’s home and they have a beautifully decorated space, I take it all in, notice every detail and it truly inspires a feeling of happiness inside. Since having kids I have now, of course, fallen… Continue reading Cool Kids Decor

Local Love: Oh Yes It’s Ladies Night…


Moms’ Night Out is sacred.  And, my husband knows it!  I love my mama friends, and so look forward to a night out once in awhile.  It’s the best, isn’t it??  Today, I’d like to share some fun Moms’ Night Out ideas in OC, and would love to hear yours!

ideas for moms night out oc